Review of Disposable EARTH I 1500 from FOF

Review of Disposable EARTH I 1500 from FOF

In this review I will talk about disposable electronic cigarettes with a removable mouthpiece and the strange name EARTH I for 1500 puffs from the Chinese company FOF.

Packaging of FOF EARTH I 1500

Disposable EARTH I 1500 is sold in cardboard boxes that are indecently large for such a number of puffs. Color printing covers all sides, in the background there is a collage of the main taste and on top of a photo of the device, the name and warnings about the dangers of nicotine. On the side edges are technical specifications, the name of the specific flavor and a QR code leading to the manufacturer’s website. The reverse side of the packaging is occupied by legal information, prohibitions and restrictions, more detailed characteristics and a short list of the delivery kit.

Inside, the sticks are packaged in completely opaque disposable bags with a “gold” color, on one side of which there is the manufacturer’s logo, and on the other – the name of the line and certificate icons. vape devices in canada Protection against accidental switching on during transportation is made in the form of two silicone parts: from below on the entire plane of the stick and from above, covering the hole for installing the mouthpiece. Yes, the mouthpiece comes separately, it is plastic and is held in place by two silicone o-rings. However, this is not the standard 510 drip tip format that many vapers are familiar with – it is much thinner, although at first glance it is similar.

Single-use design of EARTH I 1500

The body of the disposable EARTH I 1500 is made of plastic and consists of two clearly visible parts – white on top and colored on the bottom. Both parts are covered with a thin layer of transparent plastic, which makes them seem a little thinner than they actually are. Inside, according to the classics, inside a tank filled with padding polyester and liquid, there is an evaporator; underneath is a battery that cannot be recharged; even lower is a noise sensor and a small LED. The stick turns on during a puff – nothing new. There are almost no decorations either, on the bottom there is the FOF logo, and on the top in a circle is the name of the flavor and a small picture.

Testing and tastes of FOF EARTH I 1500

You can compare and evaluate the size of the FOF EARTH I 1500 disposable lighter with a classic lighter and AA battery in the photo above. I only got half of the 10 possible flavors to test. If you manage to try the rest, be sure to describe your impressions in the comments.

Inside each disposable device there is a battery containing a reactive alkali metal – lithium. Such batteries should not be thrown away with household waste, but should be taken for recycling or special disposal.


It smells really good, juicy and powerful, moderately sweet and with a slight hint of something candy. The taste of the grapes on the inhale allows us to clearly identify them as dark varieties, but not to the Isabella or “domestic” family. A deep breath, in addition to the sensation of the slightly sour pulp of the berries, adds a rich and sweet honey taste, and then a rather tart wave of sensations during exhalation, sometimes even with alcoholic notes. The aftertaste is pleasant, although not very long. It has a very decent and pleasant taste when vaping, I can recommend it without a twinge of conscience.


The aroma of watermelon is similar to the real one more conventionally than in reality. The taste is a little dry when you inhale, but it goes away quickly, we say thanks to the drop of cooler, which does not cool, but simply normalizes the sensations. A deep puff reveals a sweetness noticeably in the middle between bubblegum and real, and during the exhale the taste is clearly defined as candy with the aroma of watermelon. The finish is rich, caramel-milky at the beginning and barely watermelon at the very end. I won’t say that this is the most delicious watermelon I’ve ever tried, but it doesn’t deserve last place either. A strong middle peasant.


The smell of blueberries with alcoholic notes and without the slightest hint of tart dryness, which is often characteristic of such mixes. The taste is calm when inhaling, and slightly cool during a deep puff. The blueberry itself emerges as you inhale, uniformly sweet and sour, with no milky or candy flavors. However, in the aftertaste, alcoholic notes creep out again, which is sometimes even cool. It is possible and necessary – for every day.


The aroma of strawberries is exemplary, almost not sour, slightly cold. The taste on inhalation is extremely sweet, right up to bitterness on the receptors. Once you get used to it, you will get a rich and bright jam made with strawberries. The exhale is gentle, starts with a chill, then becomes quite sweet, and ends with a slight sourness. The aftertaste is not the most expressive; a large amount of sugar obscures all the berry shades. Fans of strawberries in any form should pay attention; others should treat this with understanding and caution.


The pineapple smell from this disposable will haunt you at night. One has only to slightly open not even a blister, but just a cardboard package, and it will instantly fill the entire available volume, and then try to leak through the door to the neighbors. The taste when you inhale, fortunately, is not as sharp and piercing as the smell. It is also powerful and sour, but still more moderate. A deep breath will delight you with both characteristic sourness and slight coolness; during exhalation there will also be a hint of mint, and then candy tones in the aftertaste.

EARTH I 1500. Personal impressions

Disposable FOF EARTH I 1500 puffs represent the golden mean in all respects: capacious battery, moderate number of puffs, powerful taste and convenient size. I somehow didn’t understand the trick with a removable mouthpiece, but once they did it, so be it. At least as a distinctive feature of this particular model. The taste part didn’t disappoint, but it wasn’t particularly pleasing either – good mono flavors with small unusual accents that make vaping a little more interesting and brighter.

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