Review of Broadside ADMIRAL Mod

Review of Broadside ADMIRAL Mod

In this review, I will tell you about a clone of the copper mechanical mod Broadside Admiral from BJ box mods for 20700 batteries.

Packaging and equipment of Broadside Admiral

The clone, like the original, is packed in a cardboard tube. The design of both is the same, including additional logos on the ends of the tube and the main one on the side surface (except that the Chinese did not get the colors of the paints quite right).

Inside the tube (except for the mod itself) are: a brief instruction, a certificate of authenticity, spare o-rings, an adapter for an 18650 battery, a bag for carrying and storing the mod. The original kit has everything the same, only instead of a bag and an adapter there is a 20700 battery.

There is also a small step-by-step instruction on the correct assembly and a diagram for installing the battery in the mod.

Appearance and characteristics of Broadside Admiral

Length 98.8 mm

Diameter 25 mm

Diameter of the evaporator seating 24.8 mm

Possible clone material options Copper, Brass, Steel, Painted brass

Possible original material options Copper, Brass, Aluminum, Titanium, Steel

Connector Adjustable 510

Permanent contact Yes

Battery format 18650, 20700, 21700

Button lock No

Adjustable button press depth Yes

Additional Possibility of combining 2 pipes into a stack

Broadside Admiral looks very simple, at the same time minimalistic. buy vape online A simple pipe, without any frills, patterns, grooves or inscriptions. Only the inscriptions on the button cap make up a small variety: serial number and the name of the mod itself.

A couple more decorative patterns are found on the ends: two crossed guns on top of the plastic at the bottom, and a “wind rose” (or compass) around the 510 connector at the top. In the original version, this pattern is made with a laser and is distinguished by enviable clarity, while in the clone it does not even look like an engraving, but rather like a fuzzy stamping. As practice has shown, this art does not even protect against the evaporator sticking (and in the original it is also unlikely, due to the shallow depth of the grooves).

The pin consists of two parts: the pin itself, which is inserted into the plastic spacer of the copper cover, and a small nut with a convenient knurling. Both parts have a “left” thread, which is excellent in itself.

The threads on the upper and lower parts are the same, with an internal thread on top and an external thread on the bottom. With such a system of two pipes, it is quite possible to assemble a high-voltage “stack”.

The button itself is also made originally and even thoughtfully. Its outer part is a regular ring with a rim on one side. A plastic insert with several slots for gas release in case of trouble is used as a pressing element. But this is not the button itself, but only the mechanism that transmits force.

The real button itself causes slight bewilderment at first acquaintance. It consists of two parts: a conical pin screwed into the insulator inside the mod tube, and a three-sector “washer” pulled together by an o-ring.

Broadside ADMIRAL MOD (clone) – the mechanism of the button

However, the principle of operation of this unit is very simple and even elegant. The washer is put on a conical pin, then, during pressure on the upper part, the washer goes down sliding along the cone, the sectors diverge to the sides until they touch the walls of the mod, thus transmitting the voltage from the battery contact to the mod body. The reverse movement is achieved by its own compression of the oring. The depth of pressing can also be adjusted to your preferences: to do this, you need to slightly unscrew the conical part from the body, but the main thing is not to overdo it, after just one turn the button becomes simply touch-sensitive and can work even from the lightest touch! The huge advantage of this button design is that it cannot be skewed in principle and you can still press as you like.

Summary and conclusions

What I liked:

Unusual packaging

Interesting button

Copper (varnished and Chinese)

20700 battery

No distortions when pressing the button

Can be stacked

Carrying or storage bag included

What is simply good:

18650 adapter

O-ring for button included

Button stroke adjustment

Diameter 25 mm

Permanent contact on the battery

Low price for a clone

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