Review of Glasses Postless RDA by Tobeco

Review of Glasses Postless RDA by Tobeco

Tobeco produce a huge number of devices, a lot of good ones, some bad ones too, mostly, of course, not bad. Today’s guest from Tobeco is at least unusual, and whether it is good or not you can decide for yourself, my business is to tell you about it and express your opinion. It is called Glasses Postless RDA and it has a very funny design and unusual base.

Glasses Postless RDA by Tobeco

Very compact in appearance and would not stand out if it were not for the blowing holes, which look like glasses, in total it looks very funny. Its dimensions are quite small: diameter 22 mm and height 36 mm. canadian vape shop ottawa The case is made of stainless steel and is available in two colors-black and steel, with me liking the black one much better. Both come with a black delrin driptip. That’s probably all for now.

It consists of a body, base, topkep, which regulates the airflow and delrin driptip, all very standard; you will not have a problem to wash it.

Glasses Postless RDA by Tobeco

Now to the base and airflow. I think from the name you realized that it’s not only about the glasses, but also about the racks, or rather their absence. Instead of the usual racks there are four holes, which are inserted the legs of the coil and clamped on the side with bolts. I’ve always wanted a drip with such a base, but usually they were from the USA and cost too much, as I remember Tobeco make very affordable devices and this is a huge plus.

Glasses Postless RDA by Tobeco

The blowing is also unusual, visually for sure! There is a wide delrin drip tip with additional holes for vapor cooling, so you can vape without worrying about your lips. Also in the kit there is a delrin adapter for 510 driptip, which also has holes for additional blowing. The spirals are blown through two medium-sized holes on the side. I don’t understand why you need to make such small holes if they can’t handle very fat windings for the holes in the driptip and the 510 connector. And the base will not allow you to install fat porn. So the holes in the driptips I consider unnecessary. Side blowing is regulated by turning the topcap relative to the body.

Overall it turns out to be a very good device, with an unusual base and a very cute and fun design; of my personal minuses I can only highlight the extra holes in the wide driptip and connector for 510 driptip. And here is another plus the price of 20 dollars, not so much if you are not sure you will like it.

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